Which country has the most water?

which country has the most water
Which country has the most water?   When we refer to water in this blog we are referring to 'fresh' water but which country has the most water? Fresh water contains a very little amount of dissolved salts and naturally occurs on the surface of the earth in lakes, rivers, caps, streams, ponds, icebergs, glaciers, [...]

The UK Drought of 1976 | What happened?

the uk drought of 1976
The UK Drought of 1976   With every Summer seemingly getting hotter in the UK it's no wonder that scientists are warning of yet another water shortage. Will we ever experience the heat that Brits were faced with back in 1976? If you were old enough to remember, the Summer of '76 was the start [...]

Soft and Hard Water | What is the difference?

hard and soft water
Soft and Hard Water Why do some areas have harder or softer water than others? Is one safe than the other and what can we do about it? When rain falls it contains no calcium, but as it flows over the land and filters through rocks, it dissolves minerals and becomes harder. How hard water [...]

Water Charities you may not know about!

water charities
Water charities you may not know about. We recently came across a list of charities that solely focus on ensuring that funds are available to ensure that the water we drink is as clean and safe as possible. A lot of these charities are completely non-profit organisations and we felt they deserved a mention! Here [...]

Does drinking water help you lose weight?

does drinking water help you lose weight?
Does drinking water help you lose weight? Water has many health benefits but does drinking water help you lose weight? The simple answer is YES! It is very common that when a person feels hungry it is actually that the body is de-hydrated and drinking water can make that hunger diminish. However, working out whether [...]

Water Technology is saving lives

water technology
How water technology is saving lives Technology is advancing quicker than ever. Scientists are accessing such technology to improve the health of human beings with the ultimate goal to eradicate certain bacterias and diseases. With so many areas of the planet still without proper sanitised water, technology is now being used to assist in providing [...]