Does drinking water help you lose weight?

does drinking water help you lose weight?

Does drinking water help you lose weight?

Water has many health benefits but does drinking water help you lose weight? The simple answer is YES!

It is very common that when a person feels hungry it is actually that the body is de-hydrated and drinking water can make that hunger diminish. However, working out whether you are hungry or thirsty is very difficult to get right!


Appetite suppressant

Doctors and scientists both agree that if you feel hungry it is sometimes worth grabbing a glass of water before you grab something from the food cupboard. May diets recommend drinking a glass of water before every meal because the consumption of the water will tell your brain that your are full from eating earlier. This then helps with eating less and therefore losing weight quicker.



Water is also proven to help athletic performance. That’s why drinking while a workout is always a good idea! Not only does it keep you hydrated but it will assist with burning more calories and also with recovery.

When working out and exercising your body, water will help muscles, connective tissues and essential joints move easier. Furthermore, it helps your lungs, heart and other vital organs to work to optimum level when putting your body through its paces.


Body Waste

Constipation can be a direct symptom when the body is dehydrated. Drinking water will help the kidneys to filter out any toxins and waste resulting in storing essential nutrients to allow the body to function properly.

Water will also help with your digestive system. Dehydration can cause the body to not digest food enough and cause a bloated stomach and also fatigue. This will of course not help with losing weight!

Not only then does water help you lose weight, it plays a huge factor in keeping your body healthy and more able to exercise and recover. If you are looking at losing weight it is highly recommended that your consumption of water is monitored and the amount and when you drink is considered.