5 Benefits of Drinking Water

5 benefits of drinking water

Our last blog, Why Humans Need Water, focussed on how our bodies lose water and the importance of drinking water. What though are the actual benefits to your body of keeping hydrated and maintaining the water in your body at the recommended level?

Here are the top 5 Benefits of drinking water:-


1. Energy Levels & Brain Function

The brain is a complicated but incredible part of our body. Water plays a huge part in the function of the brain and a lack of water in your body can mean impaired concentration, mood swings, short term memory loss, anxiety, nausea, Low energy levels and headaches (to name a few).

Studies show that even the smallest amount of dehydration can cause some of the symptoms stated above. So, if you’re looking to carry out tasks that involve focus and you being at the top of your game, staying hydrated should be on your list!


2. Physical Performance

If you are someone who hits the gym regularly or performs regular exercise then you’ll already to know the importance of drinking water. Just by sweating alone, you can lose up to 10% of your bodies water through vigorous exercise! The more you sweat the more you should drink! Don’y stay topped up and you’ll begin to feel the effects on your physical performance. Once you hit dehydration point you’ll notice everything becomes more difficult and you’ll feel more fatigued and less motivated.

Studies show that losing only 2% of your bodies water can reduce your physical performance.


3. Constipation

If you go to the doctors with a case of constipation you’ll probably find them asking you how much water you drink on a daily basis. Although the evidence is not 100% confirmed, it is believed that the colon can become dehydrated. When this happens your body starts to find it difficult to pass stools easily. Allegedly, drinking plenty of water will keep your colon happy and your stools softer!


4. Hangovers

We’ve all been there! You’ll do anything sometimes to get rid of the hangover from hell! Well, water can be your saving grace! Alcohol is what’s known as a ‘diuretic’ which actually forces your body to produce more urine that it should. When this happens your body can quickly become dehydrated and thats where the headaches begin and the nausea takes over your body!

To avoid a hangover, the advice from the professionals is to drink a glass of water between alcoholic drinks and try and drink a large glass of water before you jump into bed!


5. Weight Loss

All humans have something called a ‘metabolism rate’. This can control how your body gains or loses weight. The better your metabolism works, the quicker you lose weight. Studies show that drinking only half a litre of water can boost your metabolism by 30% for up to 2 hours. Drinking water around 30 minutes before eating a meal can be very affective too as this will make you feel more full, resulting in you eating less. In fact, research shows that those who diet and drink water before meals lost 45% more weight than those he didn’t!


We hope you found our 5 Benefits of Drinking Water helpful. Please feel free to leave any comments below if you have any queries about the information we have provided.

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